You Have been Personally Invited by Pastor Randy to Participate in Your Church Business Directory so that you can Connect Your Business to Your Church Congregation! |
As you are probably aware, your Church is putting together a beautiful full color business directory that will be given to each family in the church, and to new families over the next several years. It will also be available online, as a link from the church website, as well as an app version for Apple and Android phones.
YOU SIGNED UP to be included in this directory and we need your help to make sure your information is correct. In order to view your online listing click on the button below and simply follow these simple steps:
YOU SIGNED UP to be included in this directory and we need your help to make sure your information is correct. In order to view your online listing click on the button below and simply follow these simple steps:
NOTE: If this is your first time viewing the directory, please click the box at the bottom accepting the terms and click submit.
- To find your listing, simply type your last name in the “Keywords” box, then click search
- Once you have located your listing, please double check everything for accuracy - If any of the information in your listing needs to be changed, please reply to the email of the person that sent you this page with the changes and we will make the necessary changes before the directory goes to press.
YOU ALSO HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADVERTISE AS A SPONSOR in the new directory. Like many other business owners from your church have already done, you might want to tell the families of your church a little more about what you do, place a photo of you, your family or even your product. This is the best way to make a lasting impression so people will remember you when they have a need.